Keeping Up With The Joneses
The weekly podcast from Alyn & AJ Jones. With love from Franklin, TN.
Podcasting since 2014 • 308 episodes
Keeping Up With The Joneses
Latest Episodes
306: A Church Called Goodly
We're getting ready to open our church. Here's a little bit of the behind-the-scenes conversation about Goodly and what we hope it becomes.SHOW NOTES:Episode 300

305: The Importance of Hearing God's Voice
Hearing God’s voice is not some far off distant mystical thing reserved only for the super spiritual that takes years of fasting to accomplish. It’s available to everyone who knows Jesus and is vital for daily living. On this week’s episode we ...

304: Little Dreams, Big Answers
God is the kindest person you will ever meet in your life. He's so good, that he answers even the smallest of prayers - the ones that are so small you might be forgiven for thinking they don't even count as thoughts let alone prayers. If that s...